Jonas is a kid that has 11 years that live in a dystopia world. Every thing is under control, there is no problem.problem. He has a sister that is about to have 9 years and a his best friend name Asher. One time Jonas and Asher were throwing an apple to each other when... Jonas find out that the apple was different. He realizes and takes the apple home. in that society you aren't suppose to do that so jonas is in problems. Jonas , Asher and his friend Fiona, goes to a rehabilitation center to help people.jonas find a person to help with a girl named larrisa. Jonas is oncomfterbal with the city because something is wrong.
"well, its the last of the cremonies, as you know. After twelve, age isnt important. most of us even lose track of how old we are as time passes, though tyhe information is in the Hall of Open Records, and we could go and look it up if we wanted to. whats important is the preparation for adult life, and the training youll receive in your assigment"(pg 17). So if you have more than twelve you are an adult, you make the choises you want and you will recieve a job just like his parents. I can compare these to our world because some people in his families work younger and not as we think, like we think we work when we are 18 butr some work as an age of10.
I think the giver is a book for people that like to read something beyond what we think. When i thinked these book at first i was like, another book in class, but now that i have continue reading it has been interesting. I was imagine and thinkin in a world of a perfect society. How could it been possible. I have some preedictions too, i think jonas will no have a job but he will have something else.
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